Suffering from Hypothyroidism? – Why you should eat this nut everyday

by | Hormones, Nutrition, Perimenopause | 0 comments

After learning that I had low selenium and suboptimal thyroid function as a result (selenium is needed to convert the inactive T4 thyroid hormone into the active form of T3 thyroid), I researched top selenium foods in the hopes that I could avoid taking a supplement.  It turns out that Brazil nuts are the No. 1 food source on the planet for this chemical element.

Aside from supporting thyroid hormone conversion, Selenium is anti-inflammatory, supports heart health, has mood lifting and antidepressant properties, and if that wasn’t enough, they contain ellagic acid, a known cancer fighting substance. If you suffer from low selenium and you prefer to avoid adding on an additional supplement, then opt for 2-3 Brazil nuts per day instead; anything more may actually overdo your daily selenium requirement.


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