Should you eat grass-fed meat?

by | Healthy Lifestyle, Hormones, Nutrition | 0 comments

I get questioned often as to whether it’s worth the extra money to pay for grass-fed beef. The answer is a resounding YES!!

With nearly 8 billion people in the world, many of them big-time beef-eaters, the demand for beef is astoundingly high.

Cows are naturally meant to eat grass, but to save money and keep up with the demand for beef, factory farmed cows, also known as conventionally fed cows, are fed corn because it is cheap (and often genetically modified). But corn makes cows sick, so they are given antibiotics to keep them from getting sick and hormones to fatten them up. Unfortunately, when you buy conventionally farmed meat, you are ingesting sick animals and loads of antibiotics. Sounds kind of icky, doesn’t it?

As you move toward eating more real food, make sure you opt for grass- fed meat whenever possible.  Make sure that the label reads “organic” which means that the cow grazed on grass that was not treated with any pesticides or chemicals.

If buying grass-fed meat is hard on your budget, you may consider making a couple of meatless meals per week to offset the cost. It will not only help your budget, but it will help the planet too!


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