Episode 3

Pausing together podcast

Episode 3: How softening, self-care, and knowledge of the seasons can radically change your pausal experience with Kate Codrington, author of Second Spring: The Self-Care Guide to Menopause

Episode Sneak Peek

Episode Length 43:57

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About Kate Codrington, author of Second Spring

Kate Codrington is an author, speaker, writer, artist, menopause advocate, host of the podcast, “Life and inside job,” and author of the book “Second Spring: The self-care guide to menopause.”

Her mission is to change the way we regard menopause and show how we can relax into our own inner authority through our cyclical nature and menopause process.


We talked about:

  • The impetus for Kate writing “Second Spring”
  • Shifting away from the traditional mindset of fear and negativity that surround “menopause” to a more positive mindset that highlights the potential for growth, love, and expansion during the pausal years
  • Why women need to stop making medical and lifestyle decisions based on what so-called authorities are telling them and start taking control of their own menopause process, which starts with trusting themselves
  • Why we need to step away from the traditional linear model of medicine and look at all of the different layers of ourselves if we truly want to experience sustainable health and well-being
  • Why society’s emphasis on productivity and “go, go, go” mentality is impacting the way women care for themselves
  • How “unbusying” ourselves during the transition through menopause allows us to reconnect with ourselves, care for ourselves and trust ourselves again
  • How approaching our menstrual cycle, perimenopause, and menopause as “seasons” can help us better understand and care for our body
  • How being well rested and well-resourced during our Autumn season (perimenopause) sets us up for an easier transition through menopause
  • Kate’s advice to help women slow down, be kinder to themselves and prioritize themselves during this phase in life even when they feel like it cannot be done
  • Kate explains the concept of “softening,” which involves small actions of self-care that instantly shift the way we feel in our body and that small changes lead to radical improvements
  • How letting our standards slide can dramatically release us of the unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves
  • Kate shares what prompted her to change some of the habits during perimenopause
  • The importance of perimenopausal and menopausal women sharing stories, having open and honest discussions about our challenges, and bringing our voices to the forefront will change the pausal experience now and for future generations
  • How a call to your best friend may be just what you need when your feel yourself unraveling


How to find Kate

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meet your community host

Jill Chmielewski, RN, BSN

Jill is a Registered Nurse, Certified Health Coach, advocate for aging women, and mom of four who is on a mission to change the way we approach menopause and aging. She helps midlife women break free from the mainstream way of thinking where disease and decline are accepted as an inevitable part of aging ~ and embrace the notion that it’s absolutely possible to feel vibrant, happy, healthy, balanced, sexy, and strong through midlife and beyond.

Jill believes that education is the key to helping women understand their bodies, manage their health, and advocate for themselves as they age.

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