Do you have pain with sex and/or bladder issues?


Jill Chmielewski

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These are two of the most common symptoms women experience in menopause and beyond. .

Yet many women just live with these symptoms because they are embarrassed to bring them up to their doctor and/or their doctor doesn’t bring it up to them.

So they manage symptoms on their own.

And by manage I mean that they just live with symptoms.

They stop having sex altogether which often becomes a source of conflict with their honey.

They are exhausted from waking up multiple times per night to pee.

They buy adult diapers or pads because they leak pee when they cough, sneeze or exercise.

Their quality of life suffers.

They feel less desirable, less womanly, and less happy.

They feel like a smaller version of their previously vibrant self.

These changes are the result of a DECLINE in hormone production, which is normal, natural and inevitable as we age. .

Estrogen keeps the vagina elastic and juicy. Testosterone and DHEA ensure that the pelvic floor muscles hold onto their muscular tone. These tissues REQUIRE hormones in order to work optimally, which is why hormone replenishment is key.

Hormone creams containing estrogen, DHEA and/or testosterone applied locally can have a profound effect, often within DAYS of their use.

There’s no need for women to suffer with symptoms. But you have to understand the changes that are happening in your body so that you can advocate for yourself when you start to experience symptoms.